Resurfacing Treatments

Hair Removal

Hair removal doesn’t have to be a painful chore. Laser hair removal is a long-lasting alternative to traditional methods.

Vessel Removal

Laser treatments are the perfect choice for removing vascular lesions and veins from the skin without invasive procedures.

Stretch Mark Removal

Whether you’re looking for stretch mark reduction on the face or on the body, we can tailor our treatments to suits your requirements.

Skin Tightening

Target pigmentation and skin imperfections with Piano Mode and Frac3 laser therapy.

Combination Laser

Combine laser modes to get accelerated results. Lift and tightening using different wavelengths at differing depths of tissue.

Nd:Yag Laser

Nd:YAG laser therapy involves using the Nd:YAG crystal to treat certain skin conditions, using high energy light.

Fractional Laser +/- Topical Agents

Fractional laser is a non-invasive treatment that resurfaces the skin to improve the skins appearance.

Full Field Laser

Full field laser treatments involve removing the entire surface layer of the skin to deliver clear anti-ageing results.

Fractional Laser

Fractional laser uses a laser to resurface the skin, reducing signs of ageing and improving the skin’s appearance.

Reduce fine lines, embellish your skin tone and improve your complexion.

Our Laser treatments remove skin layers to bring through healthier, younger-looking skin.

procedure for Dermal laser
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